Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A more concrete plan

Yesterday I went shopping for books, so I now have a better idea of what exactly I'm going to do over interim.  Here's a tentative plan:

Week 1: Read Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird.  Read Revenge, a novella by Jim Harrison.  Complete a writing exercise everyday.

Week 2: Read Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg.  Read The Man Who Gave Up His Name, a novella by Jim Harrison.  Complete a writing exercise everyday.

Week 3: Read Architecture of the Novel by Jane Vandenburgh.  Read Legends of the Fall, a novella by Jim Harrison.  Complete a writing exercise everyday.

Week 4: Finish my presentation and final paper.

I will also be thinking about my own novella as I read and write and will research and write scenes as I think of them.


  1. Adding the novellas is a very good idea.

    Could I get you to add something else as well---one of the books that is more of a technical approach to how to write a novel? I'm blanking on titles right now, but maybe one with the theme of writing a novel in a month? You might do this at the very end; it would be interesting to see your take on one of these types of books after having read more 'literary' advices books.

  2. I met with Dr. Trakas on Monday, and he said we were going to be reading one of those types of books for the novella workshop - I think he said it's called "How to write a novel in 90 days." I'm going to get it from the bookstore as soon as it comes in. I'll try to start reading it over interim. But I'm planning on keeping up with this blog throughout next semester too, so I'll definitely comment and write about it when I read it for the class!
